Monday, March 11, 2013

Eliminate Cigarette Odor

Depending on how often you smoke, the smell of cigarette smoke can take over your house and car. After awhile, you may no longer notice this odor. But if others step foot inside your house or ride in your car, the smell of smoke can be bothersome.

There is no denying the effect of cigarette smoke. It can linger in your hair, your furniture and your clothes. Washing your clothes and hair might reduce the smell, but it's hard to eliminate smoke in the house. Fabrics hold odors and the smell may settle in your carpet.

An electronic cigarette is a simple way to eliminate cigarette smoke in your house. These cigarettes are safer than traditional cigarettes. They're used the exact same way, but instead of releasing smoke and harmful toxins into the air, an electronic cigarette emits an odorless, harmless vapor.

Maybe you've tried other quit smoking methods with little success. Although an electronic cigarette isn't approved as a quit smoking aid, these types of cigarettes can make the transition from a smoker to a non-smoker easier. You'll get your nicotine fix as you wean yourself off cigarettes, but avoid the harmful effects of tobacco.

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