Monday, June 25, 2012

3 Unhealthy Habits to Stop

Even though it's no longer January 1, it doesn't mean that you have to abandon those failed New Year's resolutions. In this day and age of luxury and convenience, there's no reason why you can't step up and complete those resolutions, particularly the ones related to improving your health. If you want to make good on those promises to yourself or simply want to improve your life in a simple step, consider eliminating the three unhealthy habits below:

1. Kick Processed Foods to the Curb: Make a healthy change by shopping around the perimeter of the grocery store. Aim to choose fresh fruits and vegetables in a wide array of colors, and look for produce that's wild caught and hormone free.

2. Stop Smoking: Whether you quit cold turkey, step down gradually, or use electronic cigarettes, quitting smoking is a fantastic decision that will improve your health astronomically in a short amount of time. Find a method that works for you and stick to it.

3. Forget Elevators: Challenge yourself to take the stairs instead of the elevator whenever you have the opportunity, and you'll be shocked at how much of a change you can make! Making small changes like these helps you stick to the shift rather than making grand plans for a gym membership you never end up using.

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